Some Courtroom Haiku
The muse struck me in the middle of the trial, so I filled my notes up with them. A couple were personal enough that they made me uncomfortable, so I'm not putting them here. Ha!coffee is not life
I need the energy to live
this is not living
(Composed outside a courtroom drinking what is possibly the worst cup of coffee that I have been grateful to have in months)
the forced air lulls sleep
questions drone while the building
gives quiet justice
fidget shift wiggle
my body envies the fight
of mental combat
woolen armour of
warriors at law shrouding
the worst of the best
juror thrust into
the quibbles of petty men
honor in duty
rational bastion
emotion educated
married to reason
history lines walls
the portraits shrink as time goes
so do the judges
I am popular
everyone knows my name
no one knows me
like a pro athlete
my skills envied but not me
I am a trophy
jury charge conference
we disagree on what is
the disagreement
cold tile and cool air
soft leather squeeky tilt chair
at home in the court
gotta make water
do not think about going
relief is relief
A Funny from NEALZ NUZE
Neal Boortz is a great talk host, and his Nuze may be used for his own notes, but it is a damned good blog. I reccomend that you hit his link and listen to his show too, but this is the funny:One of my listeners had an interesting visit from a campaign worker for Congressional Candidate David Scott. The campaign worker came to his door and talked to his wife. The Scott campaigner said " we don't need the white guy in there." The wife wanted to know if the campaigner was talking about Scott’s opponent, or her husband. She’s black -- her husband is white. Wouldn’t you just have loved to have been a fly on that wall?
Deadly demand from Hamas -- The Washington Times
Interesting article comparing Hamas with White Supremacists and exposing the idiocy of placating Hamas.Yahoo! News - Fla. Judge Strikes Down Voucher Law
Am I the only one who understands what "shall make no law" means? Apparantly, the US Supreme Court is on the right track, but FL seems to need a cranial/rectal inversion. Freedom of religeon is a fundamental right. If the state wants to take dirty federal money, then they play by the federal rules.I would like to take a good long look a the state that refuses the money and makes its own rules, but that is an entire rant by itself.