The Everlasting Phelps
Al Qaeda's Fantasy Ideology
I don't use profound often. This essay delineates many of the things that my intution was hinting at but was unable to provide form for. The idea of Islamisicim spreading like a virus was particularly on point to me. It resonates with the idea that this is a dangerous meme slowly working through society. Terrorism is the plaything of the educated idle, as the profiles of the archetypical terrorist shows.Poverty in the nation -- The Washington Times
It is a bitter pill to swallow sometimes: We are the sum of our choices. Every choice you make has consequences. Sometimes, the consequence is that you fail. We need to let more people fail miserably, and stop crushing them with thousands of tiny failures that are swept away.18/02/2003 - EX-PRESIDENT JIMMY CARTER BACKS OUR FIGHT
Fact checkers must be overworked. Take a look at this tidbit:The Nobel Peace Prize winner, and the only US president since 1945 never to order American soldiers into war,I guess sending Delta Force out to Desert One with orders to invade Tehran and kill Iranian guards doesn't count as ordering soldiers into war.