The Everlasting Phelps

Eric Roberts: Republicans to blame for 87-year old Santa Monica driver killing 10 people!

So, why were Republicans behind the wheel in Santa Monica that horrific day? Simple, says Roberts. Due to the $7 billion a day we spend on the Iraq war (his wife later corrected the figure to only $1 billion), there was no money left for programs to get older drivers off the road! Yes, he really said this.
This SOB needs to do some filming in South Park.

'All Things Lebowski'

I missed it. I fucking missed it. I will be at the next one.

I think the web site will probably be going into the sidebar.


Open microphone catches California Democrats talking about prolonging budget crisis

Unaware that a live microphone was broadcasting their words around the Capitol, Assembly Democrats meeting behind closed doors debated prolonging California's budget crisis for political gain.

Members of the coalition of liberal Democrats talked about slowing progress on the budget as a means of increasing pressure on Republicans.

A microphone had been left on during the closed meeting Monday, and the conversation was transmitted to about 500 "squawk boxes" that enable staff members, lobbyists and reporters to listen in on legislative meetings.

Some members of the group, including Assemblywoman Jackie Goldberg, said if the budget crisis were extended, it could improve chances for a ballot initiative that would make it easier for the Democrats to raise taxes by lowering the threshold for passage from two-thirds to 55 percent.

"No one is running" for re-election, she said, according to a transcript made by Republicans. "And maybe you end up better off than you would have, and maybe you don't. But what you do is show people that you can't get to this without a 55 percent vote."

Neal Boortz has been claiming that this is one of the items on the Democratic Plan for a while. It is still shocking to see confirmation that it is a real, conscious plan.

It is disgusting and deplorable.


USS Clueless - Microscopic view

A superb analysis of the entire War on Terrorism/Iraq situation in concise outline form. The best part for me:
4. Anti-American rhetoric is rapidly going out of style in the region. It's no longer fashionable to advocate picking a fight with us.

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